grief counselor nj

How to Battle The Loneliness Epidemic

How to Battle The Loneliness Epidemic

As human beings, our need to socially connect with other people is innate. Loneliness can occur when there is a gap present between your desire for a social connection and the actual experiences of it. This gap can trigger a state of distress or discomfort. Even if you are surrounded by a lot of people throughout the day, you may still experience loneliness. Loneliness can threaten both your mental and physical health.

Anyone can experience loneliness, but the way each person experiences it is unique. It is completely possible to feel lonely without necessarily being alone. On the other hand, you may be alone and not feel lonely at all.

How to Cope with The Death of a Pet

How to Cope with The Death of a Pet

When a person you love dies, it is normal to go through a grieving phase where you feel deep sadness and your family and friends are there to comfort you. However, when you lose a pet, you may not experience the same type of support from your loved ones. In fact, your grief may go unnoticed or unacknowledged by the other people in your life. 

The truth is that losing a pet is just as painful and devastating as the loss of a human being, but pet grief does not get talked about nearly as often. If you are a pet parent who recently lost their companion, please know that you are not alone and there are steps that you can take to heal.