
Therapy For Kids

about CHILD counseling AT ANCHOR THERAPY:

At Anchor Therapy, we have therapists who have extensive training in play therapy and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help children of all ages with behavioral and emotional issues. We are able to build a strong bond and trusting relationship with children so that they can express themselves comfortably in a safe and fun environment. 


We have helped many children and their families with:

  • Behavioral issues

  • Emotional issues

  • Anxiety

  • Agitation

  • Low self-esteem

  • School issues

  • Relationship issues

  • Test-taking anxiety

  • Social anxiety

  • Depression

  • Divorce


What ages do Anchor Therapy’s child counselors work with?

We treat children of all ages! If you have a child who is younger than 6 years old and expressing behavioral and/or emotional issues, then we can help through parenting and/or family sessions. We find that it is best to involve the child’s parent(s) in treatment when the child is younger than 6 years old.

When kids are 6 years old or older, family sessions and parenting sessions are still extremely useful. We will most likely have a combination of individual sessions with your child and parenting and/or family sessions as needed. 


Do you offer child parenting counseling?

Yes. At Anchor Therapy, we also have parenting sessions, as needed throughout your child’s treatment. Parenting sessions can be check-in’s on the phone between your child’s sessions, or it could be a full session with parents in-person, on the phone, or on video. 

As a parent, you want the best for your children and to keep them happy and safe. There are times that you may find yourself feeling at the end of your rope because your child is not doing well. 


Your child may be struggling:

  • In school

  • With peer relationships

  • At home


We are here to not only help your child feel and act better, but also to help support you along the way. Raising kids is definitely not an easy job. Our goal is to provide some relief for your family. Our registered play therapists will be there to keep your child lifted up so that they can grow into a confident and happy individual.


How does child parenting therapy work?

During these parenting sessions, you and your certified play therapist would create a plan on how you can help your child at home and continue filial play therapy treatment. We are trained to help guide parents to assist in the behavior changes at home with their child. Parenting sessions also offer you the chance to refocus on coping with your own stressors that come along with parenting.


How do I know what my stressors are so I can help my child thrive?

Everybody is unique, and reacts differently to stressful life events. Generally, parenting stress refers to the distress you experience when you are unable to properly deal with life events. 

You may feel like the demands being placed on you are too high while you do not have the means to meet them. You may feel overwhelmed trying to manage the expectations other people hold of you while dealing with work, homecare, and your children. 


As a parent, you may feel especially stressed if you resonate with one or more of the following:

  • Having a young child

  • Being a single parent

  • Having at least one child with medical, emotional, or behavioral issues

  • Having at least one child with a difficult temperament 

  • Having a low level of social support


If you feel like managing your emotions and stress levels has become increasingly difficult, our adult therapists can help by teaching you practical coping mechanisms to effectively deal with your issues. 

mom smiling with 2 kids looking at computer


At Anchor Therapy, we can assist with the following:

male therapist laughing on couch with young black girl showing piece of paper


Counseling can benefit everyone, no matter what stage of life they are in.

Therapy can teach you how to:

  • Develop and use positive coping skills

  • Utilize healthy self-care methods

  • Regulate your emotions

All of this can be especially helpful to learn if you are a child. Whether your child went through a traumatic event or simply is not feeling or behaving their best, our pediatric play therapists are here to help.


If your child is experiencing one or more of the following signs, child therapy may be the right path for you and your family:

  • Angry

  • Irritable

  • Impulsive

  • Anxious

  • Worried often

  • Depressed or sad

  • Experiencing stomach issues

  • Questioning their gender and/or identity

  • Experiencing a change in appetite

  • Sleeping too much or not getting enough sleep

  • Struggling at school or home

  • No longer interested in activities they usually enjoy

  • Anxious about social interactions

  • Socially isolating themselves 

  • Regression

  • Lacking concentration

  • Experiencing low self-esteem

  • Being a perfectionist

  • OCD

  • Experiencing test taking anxiety

  • Going through parents divorcing

How do I know if my child needs counseling or is just developing?

All children go through emotional ups and downs. Your child may experience a dip in their academic performance or have some issues with their friends from time-to-time. That is perfectly okay and, in fact, it’s an important part of self-discovery and development. 

Some struggles are simply a normal part of life. Some anxiety, moodiness, and minor school issues can be expected as a kid, particularly as a teen. These are bumps in the road. They are temporary instances that offer children an opportunity to grow and build new coping mechanisms. 

However, if you feel like your child’s behavior is constant, lasting for months on end, and is negatively impacting their quality of life, seeking help from a professional child counselor may be the right step for you and your family.

A toddler looking at crayon and coloring with adult looking on

What are the benefits of child counseling?

The benefits of child counseling are extremely similar to the advantages of adult counseling. When you take the first step of having your child meet with a licensed play therapist, you are setting them up for success. 

When someone works with a CBT therapist early in their life, that licensed mental health counselor can diagnose and treat problems before they worsen. 


Generally speaking, it can help your child get secure with expressing their:

  • Feelings

  • Needs 

  • Desires

Child counseling teaches your kid how to actively care for their own mental health from an early age. The goal of CBT and play therapy is to set your child up for success throughout their life.


How can Play therapy and CBT help my child?

Your children will face obstacles as they grow up and try to navigate their life. As play therapists, we are here to give your children tools and skills so that they can successfully overcome those obstacles. Child therapy will open up your child’s communication so that they can express themselves in a better way. This will lead them to have healthier relationships in their life. We can help your child express their thoughts, feelings, and emotions more openly through CBT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy).

little girl playing with toy camera

Why should I choose Anchor Therapy to help my child?

At Anchor Therapy, we put self-care before everything. We make sure that all of our clinicians have enough time for self-care so that, when they come into work to help others, they are 100% present. 

All of our therapists are fully licensed as well. The counselors on our team who specialize in helping children are highly trained in the most effective forms of child therapy such as Play Therapy, PCIT (Parent-Child Interaction Therapy), Attachment-Based Therapy,  Family Therapy, and CBT.

In play therapy, your child will have the unique opportunity to have the full attention of an adult that is there to listen and help support them. The play therapist will act as a role model who can help your child find what self-care they need as well. We provide a safe place for your child to find themselves, and what they need by motivating and inspiring them to reach their potential.



We will work with your child and family to help decrease any negative symptoms that may arise from trauma, grief, distress in their life, or impulse-control issues. It is typical for kids to express themselves physically rather than with words. Through play therapy and CBT, we can help your child to express themselves with words and through play. We also incorporate art therapy into our work. If your child enjoys creating things, then art therapy may be a great way for them to express themselves.

We are here to fit our therapeutic approach to exactly what your child is in need of, using a multidisciplinary approach. 


All of the types of therapy our child therapists use in their work:


How does child counseling at Anchor Therapy work?

In the first intake session with the CBT child therapist, you will get feedback on what the best approach will be for your child. While the play therapist builds up trust with your child, you will most likely be included as someone that can help your child outside of therapy sessions to practice the skills they are learning in child counseling. 

CBT is effective for helping children with anxiety, mood disorders, and more.


How can I support my child at home?

At your intake session and beyond, your child counselor will explain to you in great detail what you can do to help assist your child’s growth outside of therapy. Parents play an important role in the therapeutic process since therapy does not simply stop at the office. Instead, your child should be taking away tools from play therapy that they can apply to their daily lives.

As a parent, it is great that you want to assist in this capacity. Making the investment to start your child in CBT for children is great and taking the extra steps to fully understand how it will impact your’s and your child’s life is even better! 

One of the best things you can do for your child is to listen to what they are saying and validate their experiences and emotions. 

It is important to offer the following to your child:

  • Support

  • Sensitivity 

  • Patience

By simply validating your child’s experiences, you will make them feel heard. From there, kids are more receptive to opening up and working towards a solution to their problems. In some cases, it may take some extra effort and creativity to feel connected to your child, but it is always worth it. 


My child does not want to come in for play therapy. What should I do?

You may know that your child can benefit from child counseling but fear that they will be resistant to coming in for treatment. This is common with some children, and we are trained to build rapport with your child under any circumstance. We know how to build a trusting relationship over time, and we make counseling fun! 

The biggest task for you is to get your child in for those first few play therapy sessions. From there, usually kids conclude that therapy isn’t so bad––sometimes even saying it is fun! Over a longer period of time, they start to enjoy coming in and look forward to having a safe space to openly express themselves. Our play therapists stay updated on what is happening in the schools in our area, as well as on pop culture and the things kids are interested in. We know it is important to connect with your child, and show them that we care to look into their world.

adult woman helping kid paint

We are here to support your child in whatever their needs are. If you are interested in play therapy, art therapy, or CBT for children, reach out to us directly by filling out the form below. We have child counselors who are trained to help kids along with their parent(s) and family. We have an office in downtown Hoboken, NJ and provide telehealth (online counseling) as well to residents of New Jersey, New York, and Florida.

Contact Us


  1. Fill out the contact form below to get paired with one of our registered play therapists. 

  2. Our intake coordinator, Victoria, will get back to you with more information on how our child counselors can help and to schedule an appointment. We will set you up with an experienced licensed therapist who specializes in what your child is seeking help with and who understands your needs.

  3. You’ll rest easy tonight knowing you made the first step to improve your child’s life.