hand doing a heart symbol with rainbow colors

LGBTQIA+ Therapy


What exactly is LGBTQ affirmative therapy?

LGBTQIA+ affirmative therapy is an approach that celebrates those in the LGBTQIA+ community while addressing mental health concerns. Your LGBTQIA+ therapist embraces the core positivity of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer identities and relationships while being mindful of negative influences, such as homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism, that LGBTQIA+ people must face. 

A LGBTQIA friendly therapist supports and uplifts their clients. When your LGBTQIA+ counselor is affirmative, it simply means that they are treating loving people in the LGBTQIA+ community with the dignity, respect, and affirmation that they deserve. 


Is LGBT counseling right for me?

Belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community can be an enormous source of pride, but it also comes with a unique set of obstacles that those in the community must face on a daily basis. The experience of sexual orientation and gender identity relates to mental health. Unfortunately, in the United States, people in the LGBTQIA+ community experience mental illness at higher rates in comparison to the general population.

From dealing with discrimination and prejudice to the social stigma and the constant stress and anxiety surrounding the denial of civil and human rights, there are many worries that can occur as a LGBTQIA+ individual. All of these social struggles can lead to a worsened mental state. 

Counseling for LGBTQ+ individuals presents you with the opportunity to share your worries with a licensed professional. Your LGBTQIA+ therapist can help you with various facets of your gender and sexual orientation journey.

For instance, let’s say you are a young adult who is exploring their sexuality. You may have always felt like you were attracted to both males and females, but you were afraid to put a label on it because of what your parents might think. 

Finally, you are ready to live your truth and come out to your family as bisexual, but you need help navigating the coming out process. This is where a LGBTQ friendly therapist steps in to help you. Coming out can be an anxiety-inducing time in your life, especially as the anticipation builds.

Your LGBT mental health counselor will help you understand that coming out involves a comprehension, acceptance, and appreciation for your sexual identity and/or orientation. While coming out can be a difficult experience, it can also be a liberating one. People do not move through the coming out process at the same speed so your gay friendly therapist will help you move at a pace that feels comfortable to you.

You are the only person who can decide when and how to come out. You may decide to come out in one part of your life and not in another. For instance, you may tell your friends, but make the active decision to not tell your parents and siblings. Whatever challenges you are facing, a LGBT counselor is there to support you.

Why is it important to see a LGBTQ therapist?

If you are making the brave and admirable decision to seek the help of a professional mental health counselor and you are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, there are certain advantages of seeing a LGBT friendly therapist. 

For many LGBTQIA+ individuals, finding a therapist who respects your identity is crucial, and it can help alleviate the anxiety you may feel surrounding counseling. 

If you have attended therapy in the past, you understand that it can take a while before you feel comfortable with your counselor to open up about sexual orientation, attraction, and gender identity. When you are working through these deep and, at times, uncomfortable topics, it is essential to be doing this therapeutic work in a safe environment. 

When you truly know and feel secure in your setting, it can make navigating complex feelings a little easier, and make a large difference in your mental well-being.

This can particularly be the case if you are struggling with prejudice, social stigma, or discrimination from family members, friends, and coworkers. When you work with a LGBTQ affirming therapist who understands and values your identity and the nuances that go along with it, you are setting yourself up for success while establishing a sense of safety at the same time.

Even if your mental health struggles are not directly tied to any LGBTQIA+ specific issues, a LGBTQIA+ therapist has a unique sense of understanding that other counselors may not have. 

2 hands holding hands with tattoos

What are the benefits of LGBTQIA+ affirmative therapy?

LGBTQIA+ counseling is a safe space where you can express yourself and your feelings without any judgment. When you have an LGBTQIA+ affirming mental health counselor who is in your corner, you will feel supported and can develop positively through life’s experiences. 

The benefits of LGBTQ counseling may differ depending on what you wish to attend therapy for. For example, you may have made the brave decision to transition to a female and have a lot of anxiety navigating through the world as a woman. You may only want to focus on this issue with your LGBTQIA+ friendly therapist during sessions, so naturally that will become one of the biggest benefits or takeaways from counseling.


Some common benefits of LGBTQIA+ therapy include:

  1. Provide support for gender dysphoria and sexual identity issues 

Gender dysphoria is a sense of anxiousness that an individual may experience due to a mismatch in their biological sex and their gender identity. The benefit of working with a LGBTQIA therapist is that they are highly trained in areas like this. 

Unlike other therapists, your LGBT counselor has experience, understands the complexities of a LGBTQIA+ identity, and has helped other LGBTQIA+ individuals through similar experiences. Just as your counselor can assist you through gender dysphoria, LGBTQIA mental health counselors can assist with problems surrounding your sexual identity. The knowledge that your LGBT therapist has will be employed to help guide you through sessions.

2. Affirm and empower you

LGBT affirmative therapy validates and advocates for you. This branch of psychotherapy is helpful whether or not you are dealing with gender identity or sexuality specific concerns. That is because it has its root in non-judgement. 

A gay affirmative therapist is taught how to differentiate a person versus what they do in their daily lives. To further explain, in LGBT affirmative psychotherapy, your LGBT friendly therapist will decipher who you are now and your behaviors versus who you want to be.

3. Provide a safe space for you

LGBT affirmative therapists, whether they are a part of the LGBTQIA+ community or are allies, are continuously practicing to improve the lives of those in the LGBTQIA+ community. They understand the dynamics of LGBTQIA+ people, and provide every person with the opportunity to heal and grow which is why offering a secure therapeutic environment is essential. 

In a world where LGBTQIA+ people face discrimination, having a safe setting to discuss one’s deepest fears and aspirations for the future, is of the utmost importance. Your LGBT therapist works to do more than merely accept your identity. Instead, they will care for you, and come prepared with knowledge and tools to apply to your unique experiences.


LGBTQIA+ counseling at Anchor Therapy

We provide both individual and couples counseling for LGBTQ+ individuals. You may be questioning your identity or sexuality and looking for support through your transition or coming-out process. We can help you with your self-discovery and taking the first steps that you may find difficult to do on your own. We are here to help you every step of the way so that you can live your best life. Our LGBTQIA+ therapists are all trained to provide support and a non-judgmental space for you to openly speak about your needs, priding ourselves on being a space that is free from any discrimination.

People who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community may feel judged at times and like they can’t fully be themselves around certain people in their life. At Anchor Therapy, we provide a safe, judgment-free environment where you can fully be yourself. LGBT psychotherapy will be a time when you can take that mask off and be who you truly are.

Examples of when LGBTQIA+ therapy can help

Life brings all different stressors our way. You may identify in the LGBTQ+ community and may want LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy for your current work stress. We are a safe space to come to that is non-judgmental so that you can openly discuss all aspects of your life and receive top-notch support. You can discuss your life stressors, depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues, etc. while being exactly who you are. You may also be coming in for counseling to find yourself and who you identify as. We are experienced in helping you explore your identity and/or sexuality. It can be very helpful for people of all ages, from children and teens to adults and senior citizens, in the LGBTQ+ to have a supportive therapist in their corner as they navigate their life. We are here to help you not only figure out your identity, but also with the coming out process, surgeries, relationship issues, family problems, discrimination, and any other issues that arise.

We have LGBT counselors who are experienced in helping individuals and families in the coming-out process so that you receive the most support throughout. You may be a young adult trying to not only navigate adulthood but also your identity at the same time. Or you may have a child who is reporting that they are questioning their identity or sexuality. You could also be someone who fully knows who you are but who would like to seek counseling services from someone who you know will be accepting of every aspect of your life so that you can get the support you need.




  1. The first step is for you to reach out by completing our form at the bottom of this page. 

  2. After reaching out through the form, you will be set up with a licensed professional LGBTQIA+ counselor at Anchor Therapy who specializes in seeing people in the LGBTQ+ community and who matches your needs based on age, individual counseling, couples counseling, and whatever you’re looking for help with in therapy.

  3. You’ll rest easy tonight knowing you made the first step to improve your life. 

If you’re looking for more information about the LGBTQ+ population and mental health, we write a lot of blog posts for the lgbtq+ community. Check out our blog below!