teen social media

What We Learned About Family Dynamics From Netflix’s Ginny and Georgia

What We Learned About Family Dynamics From Netflix’s Ginny and Georgia

Every family has their own unique way of living and interacting with one another. Certain circumstances can switch up family dynamics, such as a family member going through a struggle or a change in financial status. The way families are created and composed varies and the types of families we see are always changing. 

No matter the type of family, communication is key to establishing a healthy relationship. Sometimes this communication can come naturally while other times families may need some help from an outside source and possibly choose to attend marriage and family therapy. One television show that exhibits family dynamics is the Netflix hit Ginny & Georgia.

How To Help Your Teen To Social Media Detox

How To Help Your Teen To Social Media Detox

Do you find that your teen is constantly on their phone? Do they have a hard time refraining from using social media? If so, your teenager may benefit from a social media detox.

Many people, particularly young people, enjoy staying connected on social media 24/7. Unfortunately, social media can ignite:

  • Fear of missing out (FOMO)

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Isolation