Rebecca Bischoff Page

Unlocking the Secrets of Quality Sleep: A Therapist's Perspective on Sleep Hygiene and Insomnia

Unlocking the Secrets of Quality Sleep: A Therapist's Perspective on Sleep Hygiene and Insomnia

The Importance of Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to a set of practices and habits that are conducive to getting a good night's sleep on a regular basis. It encompasses various factors, including environmental, behavioral, and psychological elements that can influence the quality and duration of sleep. Adequate sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, yet many people struggle to get enough restorative sleep due to poor sleep hygiene practices. It is important to address this issue and make improvements due to the negative effects poor sleep quality has on an individual. It is important to implement these tips if you are struggling with your quality of sleep and are noticing the effects of that. 

Good sleep hygiene aims to create an environment conducive to falling asleep easily, staying asleep throughout the night, and waking up feeling refreshed and energized. 

Pawsitive Healing: A Therapist's Take on Pets and Mental Well-being

Pawsitive Healing: A Therapist's Take on Pets and Mental Well-being

In a fast-paced world filled with stressors and uncertainties, having a pet can be life changing in many ways. It can have a positive impact on our overall well-being, not only our mental health but our physical health as well. Beyond their cuteness and cuddles, pets have a remarkable ability to provide us with emotional support and companionship that we don’t always get from humans. As I am writing this and cuddling with my dog, I can say first hand that adopting a dog is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Some of the ways pets can help us are by reducing stress, providing love and companionship, sharing emotional support, giving us a sense of purpose, and helping with disabilities. In this blog we will dive into the many ways pets can change our lives for the better!

Navigating Social Media: A Mental Health Therapist's Guide to Balance and Well-Being

Navigating Social Media: A Mental Health Therapist's Guide to Balance and Well-Being

You may be feeling overwhelmed by social media lately and want to take a break but you don’t want to miss out on your friends posts and the news. Why does excessive scrolling make us feel bad, but it can also be enjoyable at the same time? Let's take a pause and talk about how social media is affecting our minds, the positives and the negatives and what to do about it.

What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder and How Is It Treated?

What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder and How Is It Treated?

You may be feeling down this winter, unhappy and not like yourself. Many of us have heard the term “seasonal depression” or “winter blues.” Many adults, especially women, feel this way but are unsure why and what to do about it. You could be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is a highly treatable mental health condition.