self understanding

Do You Understand Your Self-Esteem?

Do You Understand Your Self-Esteem?

Simply, self-esteem refers to the complex mental states in which one views oneself. Self-esteem is the foundation for the construction of self-meaning, self-identity, self-image, and self-concepts. It is appreciation and likeness for yourself regardless of external factors.

There are numerous factors that can influence your self-esteem, including:

· Self-assurance

· Feeling of safety

· Identity

· Sense of belonging

· Feeling of capability

The evaluation of self that self-esteem permits is important to your mental and social welfare. Your self-esteem impacts your goals, personal dreams, emotional health, decision-making process, and social interactions with peers. Additionally, self-esteem impacts your motivation levels. Typically, if you have a high level of self-esteem, you have a healthy, optimistic view towards yourself which allows you to see your capabilities and can potentially encourage you to take on new obstacles. A high level of self-esteem can lead to advanced health and social behavior.